New Frontiers
Theatre Company.
We are an exciting new amateur theatre company based in North Norfolk with plans to perform across North Norfolk, Broadland and Norwich.
We are also interested in reading new plays and in people's suggestions of possible venues.
Please contact us at newfrontierstheatre@outlook.com
Ashley Burgoyne
Melissa Collin
Ashley Burgoyne is originally from Luton, but has been a resident of North Norfolk for over thirty years.
A former school teacher, and currently a classical guitar teacher, Ashley ventured into amateur dramatics in 2012. Since then he has been an actor, a director and worked backstage. He is also a composer and has written
incidental music for many productions.
His first play 'The Village Hall' was produced
in 2017 and his second play 'The Hotel Room'
is currently being reviewed by
professional companies.
Ashley is also the creator and writer of the children's picture book
'Crocodile Keith and his Shiny, White Teeth!'
and the co-author, along with
Melissa, of the poetry book
'The Sublime and the Ridiculous -
A poetic meander through life.'
For Ashley's author page on Amazon, with all his publications, click here! >
Melissa is a Northerner in exile in Norfolk, having moved to Norwich from Oldham in the early 90s.
She has been involved in amateur theatre for many years, beginning with the Oldham Theatre Workshop and the Saddleworth Players, where she was able to gain valuable experience working with professional actors and playwrights.
After gaining a degree from Norwich University of the Arts, Melissa has worked in the book trade, publishing and education. She rediscovered live theatre ten years ago and has acted, worked backstage and manned the tech box ever since.
Melissa has also been published in various poetry journals and anthologies, and published 'The Sublime and the Ridiculous' with Ashley in 2018.